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Cheat Codes Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to pop up the window and type in the following: Code - Effect kaching - get 1000 cash Motherlode - 50,000 sim bucks aging - no aging vsync (on/off) - increases game performance but lowers graphics autopatch (on/off) - lets you know if theres a patch help - list some, but not all cheat moveobjects (on/off) - moves objects and deletes you couldnt before exit - closes cheat window expand - expands or contracts cheat window deleteAllCharacters - Removes every sim from the neighborhood TerrainType desert/temperate - Toggles between two terrain types Film Settings Set to "true" for all filmic cheats to function: boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false 0 is normal and 8 is slower: Slowmotion 0-8 A look that is bright and blurry. "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255: Bloom (r g b x) Creates a filmic look in which a clear focal point and blurry surrounding: vignette (centerx centery X) Changes a film graininess: filmgrain (0-1) Makes a letterbox view of a designated size: letterbox (0.0-0.4) Combine Aspiration Rewards Combine aspiration rewards for even bigger boosts. For example, if your Sim is wearing a Thinking Cap and feeds Smart Milk to their Toddler, the Toddler builds skill four times as fast! Submitted By : Connor 100,000 - Get Cheat Menu up then hold down shift. Then type in WARIGANOSASH. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Sims 2, The cheat codes. Don't like Game Score? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Sims 2, The Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad Sims 2, The Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Sims 2, The Cheats at A Cheat Codes Sims 2, The Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch |